Calhoun v. Pitino

Here's a quick tale of the tape between today's two coaches, Jim Calhoun and Rick Pitino:

Head-to-head: Pitino, 13-7. Pitino was 6-3 against Calhoun while Pitino was at BU and Calhoun at Northeastern; 1-0 while Pitino was at PC and Calhoun at Northeastern; 2-0 when Pitino was at PC and Calhoun at UConn; and 4-4 while at Louisville.

National titles: Calhoun, 2-1.

Final Fours appearances: Pitino, 5-3.

Number of teams brought to Final Four: Pitino, 3-1.

Scandals: Nate Miles' recruitment vs. Scenes from an Italian Restaurant. Advantage: Pitino.

Best coaching performance: 1990 Impossible Dream team vs. 1987 PC Final Four squad. (Or could this year be Calhoun's greatest?). Advantage: Pitino.

Sideline attire: Standard suit and tie vs. wildly expensive white suits. Advantage: Pitino.

Celtics ties: Supposedly the final cut in training camp one year vs. extremely disappointing head coach. Advantage: Calhoun.

Background: Boston Irish vs. New York Italian. I'm not touching this one.

Hall of Fame status: 2005 inductee vs. 2011 nominee. Advantage: Calhoun.


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