I've Been Given the Gift of Notre Dame...

Earlier today, the University of Notre Dame officially announced that I would be joining their team as Senior Director of Marketing & Communications -- effective January 16, 2012.

A very humbling and special moment for my family and me.

Notre Dame's "on-boarding" process, which I began this morning, led me to a conference room where I would meet my teammates for the first time.  While I awaited their arrival, I found myself staring at this quote -- etched into the room's glass wall:

“This college will be one of the most powerful means of doing good in the country.” 

It was taken from a letter written by Rev. Edward Sorin, C.S.C., just days after he founded Notre Dame in 1842.

Who would have ever dreamed an Irish Catholic kid from Mecosta County (Michigan), Chippewa Hills High School and Ferris State University would be given the opportunity of sharing the Notre Dame story with the world.

A story Fr. Sorin began crafting 169 years earlier...

Unfortunately, I'll be leaving an extremely talented team (led by Jim Thomas) at Western Michigan University -- and some wonderful alumni -- all who have made me feel part of the WMUFAMILY.  It's been a magical year in Kalamazoo that I will never forget.  THANK YOU! 

Yes, I've been given the "GIFT" of the University of Notre Dame -- it will be an honor to serve HER mission!



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